"Sometimes Narrator's take long weekends"
Okay, so sometimes Narrators take long weekends. Unfortunately something disturbed me so much this weekend I had to share it (and yes that picture does have to do with it.)
It seems as though society has a new obsession which revolves around defining our generation. Round up the usual suspects - Boomers? Well sort of... okay, hmm... what generation was before boomers again? It's been awhile since I saw the land before time...
With that being said - does everybody know what time it is? (ok who just made the Home Improvement reference?... seriously that's never funny)
New Definition that will terribly describe our generation and totally miss the point: MILLENNIAL
And what are Millennials you ask? Well to 60 Minutes they're 15 minutes of filler, to us they're a boomers wet dream of what our generation is - useless, selfish, helpless, co-dependent "praise hounds" - yes Virginia, they actually do call us "Praise Hounds".
The Narrator presents useless moments in slang
Praise Hound: To search out and beg for "praise".
Use in modern Language:
Underage Girl : "Do you like this dress on me?"
Morley: "yo, stop praise houndin' baby"
Okay, I'm pretty sure Morley made it up.
the remix
Some of you might not know this but...I like to do a bit of remixing in my spare time. I'm no Daft Punk but Morley Safer is no Kayne West, so it all evens out. So, let me take this minute to let you know my new video has just dropped. Meh.. even in print it still sounds wrong.
Note to self narrators are not hip. Here's the video.
I'd tell you to enjoy it, but I wouldn't want to be caught praise houndin' (I'm trying my best for ya Morley.)
Twixters VS. 60 Minutes
The Narrator.
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